John Hommes and John Kreyer Jr won this year's CBA Dbls at Mermaid prizelistQualMatchplay
John Hommes and John Kreyer Jr won this year's CBA Dbls at Mermaid prizelistQualMatchplay
Click here for Teams and Stats The Baker Doubles Tournament Qualifying and Awards Banquet is this Saturday, October 22nd at Mermaid Lanes
Brian Floen defeated Rob Downer 214-213 in the final match at Colonial Lanes prizelistqual
Zach won this month's CBA at Southway Bowl, by defeating Brady Stearns in the final match prizelistqualcasher roundelim bracket
David Oulman won this year's CBA SR Masters and won an entry to the USBC Sr Masters prizelistqualmatchplay
Terry McKinney won this month's MSC by defeating Brian Thelen, 237-215 in the final match at TexaTonka PrizelistQual