Hailey Triske and Dawson Peterson are this month's MJBT winners at Southway Bowl, St Cloud click below prizelistQual GirlsQual BoysFinals
Hailey Triske and Dawson Peterson are this month's MJBT winners at Southway Bowl, St Cloud click below prizelistQual GirlsQual BoysFinals
Dave Langer, after winning the Mn Masters, David went on to win the Chippewa Valley Match Games in EauClaire, by defeating John Kryer Jr, 279-247 in...
Hunter Pomije and Hana Roers won this month's MJBT at AMF Saxon Lanes prizelistboys qualGirls qualFinals The January event has been moved to...
Hailey Triske and Amanda Vermilyea, Hunter Pomije and Chad Nelson won this month's MJBT/CBA doubles at River City Xtreme Prizelistqual girlsqual...
Tom Kieger, who was very involved in St Paul Bowling, died in an auto accident, he was 68. Tom Kieger, age 68, of Shoreview Formerly of St. Paul's...
Tom Jones won this month's MSC by defeating Wayne Jensen in the final match at TexaTonka Prizelist