Brady Stearns won the CBA Year End tournament at Superbowl, by defeating Scot Endersbe 224-218 in the Final Match QualPrizelistMatchplay
Brady Stearns won the CBA Year End tournament at Superbowl, by defeating Scot Endersbe 224-218 in the Final Match QualPrizelistMatchplay
Henry Trutwin defeated Dave Oulman in the final match, 210-145L-R David Oulman, David Langer, Henry Truwin, Jeff Walther, Scott Endersbe...
Janaury 2021 – River City Extreme - CHAMPIONS: Lucas Hersrud and Brooke Salzman Prizelist Girls QualBoys QualFinal
Twin City OpenTwin City Women'sState OpenState Women's Open
Nick Heilman and Andy Mills won this year's annual CBA Dbls by defeating Matt McNeil and Eric Vermilyea in the final match at River City ...
Coors Light wins DYB Trio Challenge Coors Light Trio defeated the Lumpy Willbar Trio to win the Trio challenge at Monticello. ...